OMVIC Practice Test 2024 - Free OMVIC Practice Questions and Study Guide

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For how long may a dealer need to seek OMVIC's pre-approval for future advertising if an order is used to stop or correct false advertising?

One year

Two years

Following OMVIC's investigation into false advertising, a dealer may be required to seek pre-approval for their future advertising for a period of two years. This is meant to ensure that the dealer is not engaging in false advertising again during this time. Option A, One year, may not be long enough to monitor and ensure the dealer's compliance. Option C, Three years, may be deemed excessive and burdensome for the dealer and may not be a proportional response to the violation. Option D, Four years, may also be considered excessive and may not align with the dealer's demonstrated commitment to compliance. Therefore, option B, Two years, strikes a reasonable balance between monitoring the dealer's advertising and allowing them to continue their business operations.

Three years

Four years


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